April 12, 20216 Comments

A Guide to Nairobi’s Rivers and Streams

Most of the big cities found in Asia, Europe, North America and parts of Africa are located on the banks of big rivers. This is due to the fact that the cities began as villages, then towns near major rivers so as to guarantee supply of water. You’ll also have noticed that the big cities have landmark bridges over such big rivers. Nairobi is not blessed with big rivers - or bridges - but instead, it has a maze of smaller rivers and streams, collectively referred to as the Nairobi River Basin.

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April 12, 2021No Comments

Geography of Mombasa

Mombasa County is a place of great importance to Kenya and the greater East African region despite its small geographical size. Within the 212.5 km2 area that is administratively referred to as Mombasa County, the geography of this region has greatly influenced the lives of its residents, past and present. In this article, we will look at how residents of Mombasa have built their lives around the geographical aspects of the area from centuries gone by to the present day.

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April 12, 20211 Comment

How Nairobi’s Geography Shapes Our Lives

A little over a hundred years ago, the bustling city that we call home was little more than an uninhabited swamp littered with wild animals. The city of Nairobi came to be when the British took advantage of the last flat area they encountered before beginning their ascent up the escarpment wall while constructing the Kenya-Uganda railway. Where Nairobi stands today, the British pitched camps where they could pause for a breather before embarking on the grueling attempt to ascend the rail track over the escarpment, into the Rift Valley and beyond.

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